StevenCao's blog

"It was almost like a collaborative approach," says neighborhood director"Mod Ayiza." "it is a much more RS gold positive place to be in than everybody just complaining and crying. We were fortunate. But what the memes attracted, which was so good about this example, was genuine individuals who really wanted to put together fantastic designs. And as far as there were memes, the fantastic ideas that people liked weren't overshadowed."

Legend_Arts posted his hybrid armor on April 9. The identical day, West chose some player-made theories to use. Two days later, he streamed the process of turning the most popular ones into in-game models. Two days after this, he shared a couple of variations complete with surveys to once again allow players shape the armor. And he was not just spitballing. Players provided the metal, and Jagex is hammering it into form.

"That which I worked on last week is going to be the first design the players enjoyed," West says. But at that point I would already put out to make either, so what I am gonna do is create another group in-game and we will have an official poll so they can finally choose which one they need. I do not really mind that one wins. I enjoy the one players suggested."

For many the memes, the Justicar armor fiasco is a superb illustration of the advantages of a player-inclusive approach, especially for an MMO. Sure, some Old School players just want to see the world burn, but most truly want to help improve the game. In cases like this, they were not happy, they provided suggestions, and because Jagex acted on them, everyone is getting a much better raid.

"I think players enjoy when they have a state and if their voice is in fact acted upon," West says. Being recognized that manner by the devs is fantastic, it brings the community to the dev side. ... buy runescape mobile goldA lot of comments were questioning how it feels to be an artist becoming so much honest criticism, and that I feel like that's the things you learn from. If you are going to dismiss negative criticism, then you might as well dismiss all criticism.

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