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Blizzard has announced that they will add to the World of Warcraft Classic RPP PVP Realms in Europe and North America. Back in June this year, Blizzard detailed the structure of the Classic realm in Europe and North America and promised that it would add the realm of PvP, PvE, and RP. In a new post on the official World of Warcraft forum, Blizzard has now announced that they will also add players who play roles versus nature players after community feedback.

"We have heard your request and want to let you know that we will add the RP-PVP realm in North America to WoW Classic," Jordan said in the post. "The comments, feedback and desires of many of you about this rule are truly inspiring, and we are happy to make the RP-PVP available to you!" In addition, if you are in need of Cheap World of Warcraft Classic Gold, you can visit our website

Jordan's post seems to imply that North America will only get one RP-PVP server. This may be because Blizzard does not expect as many players in WoW Classic as in regular WoW. That said, only having one server does not mean that all like-minded players will be able to play together. Of course, every interested player must be ready to make a reservation for the RP-PVP server when Blizzard opens it next week.

Details about all servers will be available "before the weekend." The reservation name airs on August 12 at 15:00 PDT / 18:00 EDT / 23:00 BST, so you will have less time to make your plan before committing to the name and server. The exact WoW Classic release date is currently set for August 27th.