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Essay writing is not an easy thing for most college and high school students. Most of the college students have a lot of work. The class hours are also many because the instructors want to clear the syllabus within a given period. The following tips can help you come up with a good essay;


The first stage is understanding the question. Understanding the question will help you to know what you are to write. Ensure you underline the keywords such as differentiate, compare, contrast among others.

Choosing a relevant topic needs you to understand the question. Brainstorm before you sit down to write the paper. If you are given a variety of topics, choose a topic that is interesting, one that you will enjoy writing about. However, if you are stuck, you can seek help from your instructor to help you choose a topic. He or she will be in a better position to help because he or she understands you better.


The next step is having an outline of the essay. Write the main areas that you will be dealing with as you write. As you begin your piece, ensure you have a thesis statement. The statement should explain the importance of that essay. Your outline should help you come up with a proper thesis statement.

The Essay

While writing the essay, you should write the introduction part after writing the body. The introduction is generally the overview of the entire paper. The introduction should be catchy prompting the reader to continue reading to the end.

The conclusion part is the last part of the paper. A writer should not introduce new ideas in this section. It is basically a summary of the major ideas.


After completing, it is now time to edit your work. Proofread the paper. You can have someone reading the piece aloud to you as you listen. Correct any mistakes immediately. Ensure that the weightiest points are written at the top with weaker ones coming last in descending order. Ensure that your sentences are well structured and that the paragraphs are flowing smoothly. If you have no one to read as you listen or even proofread it for you, you can contact the services of writing professionals to do it for you.

Do not forget to format your work using the right format. Referencing your work is key. The citation is an authenticity to your work.

While some students may have the time to write the essays, others may not because of the many activities they are involved in. There is no need to worry if you cannot complete your work in time. It does not matter if you are halfway the assignment or you have not started. The deadline should not deter you from getting high scores as you go about other things with ease. All you need to do is to place your order with a writing professional. Make the write my essay request and specify the deadline and you will have an original paper delivered to you.

Are you struggling to write your essay, clueless about what you are doing and always having low grades?  I have also been there, but it does not have to be that way.  I will show you a way to write a flawless essay that will guarantee you excellent grades.

An essay sums up all the work you have studied and all the knowledge you have acquired.  You may have worked hard and smart, but without a proper essay, your work will be flushed down the drain. You may be clueless about the complete structure of the essay and what vocabulary to use. There is no need to worry about all these anymore!  I will show you the complete steps that helped me in essay writing.

The following are the five steps that I usually take while writing an essay:

Deciding on the Topic to Write About

It is very important to decide on which subject you want to write about.  I always take my time to decide on the topic to tackle in my essay papers.  Most of the times, you are given an option of choosing your essay from a variety of subjects.  You should always select a topic that sits well with you.  By deciding on a subject matter, you will have a direction to focus on.  The topic will also keep you in check to avoid getting into other matters, which will only create confusion.  For instance, if you pick a topic about ‘Teenage pregnancy,’ your complete focus will be on teenage pregnancy.  It will make no sense to start talking about a subject like a road accident in your paper.


It is important that I introduce the topic when writing an essay. This will create familiarity on the subject. The introduction of my essay may state a fact or be compelling. For example, I can begin by stating, ‘two out of ten teenagers get pregnant every year.’  A proper introduction has always made it easier for me when composing my essays.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is part of the introduction.  However, it is essential when penning an essay.  The thesis statement sums up everything that I am going to discuss in my essay.  For example, ‘Teenage pregnancy has a negative impact on the entire society.’  This thesis statement indicates that the essay will explain how teenage pregnancy will have a negative impact on the entire society.  Thesis statement will help to keep me in check while composing my essay.

The Body

This is where the in-depth discussion about the subject matter occurs.  The body contains paragraphs with each paragraph discussing an issue.  Each paragraph should always begin with a topic sentence.  For example, the first topic sentence of the first paragraph may be; ‘Teenage pregnancy may lead a teenage mother to live an impoverished life.  In this paragraph, I will explain how teenage pregnancy leads to an impoverished life.’


This is the last part of the essay authorship. The conclusion sums up everything that was discussed in my essay.  I can also give my recommendations on how to deal with or improve an issue at the end of my essay.

The above steps will guarantee you a good quality essay.  If you do not understand or do not have time to write your essay, you can always seek professional writing services. They can help you to finish any kind of task, so you would surely submit high.

As a student, you will definitely come across one or more types of assignments, and each type of assignment has its writing style. This is not an exhaustive list. However, it will give you an idea of what types of assignment one should expect as a college student.

·         Research essays

This is the most common type of assignment that students are faced with throughout their academic years and the one kind of assignment that every student is familiar with. It involves the student answering a question that has been asked by the teacher or a question that they have chosen on their own using facts and points to back up their answer. The structure usually involves the introduction, body, and conclusion. There are different types of essays, but they all follow the same structure.

·         Literature review

This type of assignment requires one to be formal and objective as the student would need to give a theological and methodological review of an existing work of literature. A literature review is regarded highly by academicians and authors and as such should be written with thoroughness and precision.

·         Article review

In this type of assignment, a student is meant to summarize an already published article by critically analyzing the article, its research method, and result.

·         Case study

The aim of writing a case study is to analyze a situation. It involves the investigation of a situation, stating its advantages and disadvantages and come to a conclusion judging from what you have gathered, make recommendations and explain how the recommendation can be implemented.

·         Lab report

This kind of assignment is done mostly by science students, and it entails explaining the kind of experiment that you have carried out in the lab and drawing your final conclusions on your opinion of the experiment. Lab reports have to do with replicating a previously done work and should be objective and clear.

·         Book reviews

In this kind of assignment, the student is supposed to read a book and understand the message of the writer, after which, the student would need to scrutinize the author’s writings and make conclusions on it. There is usually no wrong or right answers. It all depends on the student’s ability to defend whether it was a good book or not.

·         Abstracts:

Writing an abstract involves providing a brief summary of the purpose of a paper, e.g., research article, dissertation, thesis, review, etc. It usually contains the following: the objective of a paper, an outline of the method followed, findings, recommendation, and conclusion.

However, if you are too busy to write your own assignment or lack knowledge, it will be the best option to pay for the services of writers online who proffer “write my paper” solutions to college students at an affordable rate. These writers claim to be well versed in writing any kind of paper on any kind of subject and on any field of study. They promise 24/7 communication with clients at every stage of writing that has been completed.