Maybe changing the names of RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

Maybe changing the names of RS gold desert figures away from a stereotype, or updating the jungle characters to be more than'savages' is political. However, if that's the case, guess what? Politics and ideology's undercurrents that shape every portion of our society do stop when you boot your pc and play RuneScape.

This Is the Reason Why we dont get new Runescape players

Why was PvM heartbeat a mistake.Because teleporting directly to the front door of directors and having a free teleport after stated boss that requires you to a lender, altar and adrenaline crystal isn't healthy for Runescape game? Sure it seems ill as fuck and everybody loves it cos why would not you, but overall its awful idea.Not like you couldnt do that using maxcape anyways already. For starting with 100 percent adren, and dummies exist. Locking a massive pvmrequirement behind having to max is bullshit, would be like locking maxguild untill you have (I)fb.

I do not really get your point. I didn't agree with the pvm portal when it was released at maximum guild either, but at least it wasnt available to any Runescape player, so not as much exposure. This one is simply ridiculous and it feels awfully private-server esque. So this is gon na be an view it's a huge QoL. When managing inventory provides mattered, I just overlook.

I mean you were able to tele to raids/eds from anywhere. You can build adren anywhere and altars are easy to get or merely restore in your bank. For gwd2 group system demands 2 Runescape players but it nonetheless teleports you directly to the door for telos only teletab and use nardah tele on desert necklace for quick pray revive / hp boost and guthix collectible strands to get a fast tele to a lender or merely solo tele to buy old school runescape gold raids for an instant bank. Long story short these choices existed all in easy or completely free to get ways the pvm heartbeat / max boss portal just consolidated it.

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