Come back to Runescape following a decade apart from Sletrry's blog

Being recognized that way by the devs is fantastic, it brings the community to the dev side. ... A lot of comments were questioning how it feels to be an artist becoming so much honest criticism, and I feel like that is the stuff you learn from. If you're going to dismiss negative criticism, then you might also dismiss all criticism. RuneScape gold is enjoyable, but it takes a few decades to get used to."

The word"noob" stems from the word"newbie", meaning fresh and inexperienced but Runescape gave it a negative spiritby making noob just a word meant to separate the players that aren't great or just to taunt other Runescapers. Being called a noob does not automatically mean that you're one, however, if you discover a pattern or neglect to perform matters talked about in this article, then... I am sorry my friend, but you are a n00b. Don't lose confidence or don't get discouraged, this guide is here to help out and stop.

This is merely a game, not real life, so you should be able to look beyond taunts or even disputes. They're a minority, the majority of the players are eager to help out and very friendly, but bad behaviour could overwhelm their presence. Try to keep humble and absorb knowledge before flaming or taunting people in duels. Once you get in the swing of cheap RS gold, playing could become a whole lot simpler.

Don't beg or ask for free stuff.Oh god, this is one of the most distinguishable characteristics of a pure-bred noob. Phrases like"Free material pl0x" or"Could I get absolutely free stuff" are not welcome in the world of Runescape. If you fight to find money to get items, there is a fresh alternative for your intended"Dancing for money" or"Free armour trimming" approaches.

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