you must choose 1 part of OSRS gold from Rskingdom's blog

Theoretically, if you must choose 1 part of OSRS gold to be adapted into a movie (animated or otherwise) with a professional studio, then what would you choose? It can be anything from a pursuit to an early battle or to a historic event (such as the last portion of Zaros' empire and it's denigration, ending with Zamorak's betrayal). The film develop the barrows, and would go into detail concerning the numerous battles.

So you know, my brother Aegon. He freaked out'cause he stumbled upon a movie of Zaros being given a light simularcum. He was all like"what the **** is wrong with you? How can you do that to ******* Zaros? You're just as poor as Zamorak! Zaros is the best god? Are you so ******* blinded by your hatred of him which you would risk the Elders ruining all Gielinor just to spite him? Are you really that petty? If Zaros expires, so does everyone else, that comes with you, why can't you comprehend that, you stupid *****?" ~Queen Consort Visenya and Sister to His Grace Aegon that I Targaryen

I do not want this to be a discussion thread, just as a notification.For those that are oblivious, in 2010 during a video created with a Mod Sam J concerning the sound of Jagex, a map has been glimpsed for a few seconds. This was categorized as a flow on the unofficial wiki but nobody understood what it meant. A couple of weeks ago I'd noticed that there was a section on an article of this unofficial wiki speaking about unidentified locations, relating to some continent north of morytania which wasn't Fossil Island, and left a thread asking people about it. Some had reminded me that it may be related to the map leak which renewed my interest in it sufficient to take the mods on Twitter it. A couple of the mods could not comprehend it, but after a few weeks, Mod Stu realized it as a map from buy RuneScape gold one of the generations of Stellar Morning, an upcoming game that has been in development for a very long long time.I wished to spread the word to those curious after all these years, even if possible take it off the unofficial wiki, we know what it's now.I hope this has brought closure to many of you

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