anybody else is getting RS gold this matter from Rskingdom's blog

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Hi all, Just wondering if anybody else is getting RS gold this matter or it's just me. I'm working through the Master Quest Cape accomplishments and I just completed two of them now:"I Can See for Miles and Miles""Azdaran Document" and they were not ticked off the list nor was I given the telling. By way of example, for the Azdaran Document get the book you need to mine the fragments and read through it. I've done that but not been granted the achievement. With the beacon one, I've unlocked the keepers and given them all Macaws that is what completes the accomplishment, nothing.

I had similar from the Boric and Doric activities, I could not give my things to the commander, I had to picture them all so ultimately he took 3 swords and 8 torso plates. Is this on If the mechanic was in game, that let you do a pursuit over (like the Frem Sagas), do you?What are these things and where do they come from? And it says in the name they're spirits in order that they could be spirits from the spirit realm. Would make sense since they also benefit us with charms.We've seen a monster emerge from bonfires in another instance too. Fallen Nihil at the Lumbridge Crater.Fallen Nihil:"My Queen noticed this world look in the skies as though it was revealed from behind a curtain. She believed fire energy for an increase within this location. She'd her pyradins spend.

In the hopes that the energy could build up, she could bring me with it. "This shows us that interplanar travel is possible by using concentrated fire.So I think the Fire spirits use the same method of transportation as the Fallen Nihil did. They are smaller, poorer and probably closer by than Fallen Nihil was. Not requiring as large of a bonfire because he did. Perhaps they have natural ability to travel this way and that's why buy 2007 runescape gold they don't require these"pyradins". Or it might even be that these (or beings like them) are actually those pyradins, using their abilities to permit others travel the way that they do.

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