the lovers of MLB The Show 19 deserve better from Rskingdom's blog

Well we had a good run, I've bought MLB 19 Stubs since 06 and really before that when it wasn't even referred to as the show. . .but I eventually have to face the fact of the fact I will NOT be purchasing this season for the first time! I already have MLB 18 (and 17,16,15 etc.. .) Why shell out another $70 for a friggin' ROSTER UPDATE!!! I simply don't understand, you've got an entire team who's ONLY JOB is to make MLB The Show 19 and they have a WHOLE YEAR and THIS is the best that you can give us? As you stated in the video, THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT you want to make is IMPROVED GRAPHICS!!

Why is it so hard to make it seem as real as technologically possible? As far as in game improvements how about we start little, can you AT LEAST replaced the AWFUL COMMENTARY? Then you can work up to things like habit stadiums and players from my favorite era 90's -00's! Possibly my personal favorite'04 Red Sox or classic teams like the 90's Yankees! I won't go into the remainder (such as adding more feelings for players to make it more enjoyable or player likenesses). We had a good run and hopefully someday soon you will really give a shit about what the paying consumers like me want to do something about it, till then I'll keep playing my old better versions!

It is very unsatisfactory and underwhelming along with the lovers of MLB The Show 19 deserve better than what SDS is providing us. We asked for stadium creator and they didn't give us it and I will give it a pass since it's a significant feature, but they did not even add franchise. RTTS looks like that they added a backdrop and a few animations that are different but it has the same archetype attributes which people have a problem with including me. It requires way too much time to get to the Bigs and also the updating is awful. I was hoping that they keep archetypes so we have caps at attributes and could bring back coaching points but we get to MLB 19 Stubs for sale update quicker.

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