I believe you just need to be buy wow classic gold from Limm's blog

Blizzard's stated plans around content release (a staggered content release program with fewer content patches than classic that retains 1.12 talents for many release periods, and wow classic gold potentially keeps 1.12 itemization for all release intervals ) will alter the manner WoW Classic plays more significantly IMO.

MC is going to be a great deal easier, and the relative power of and item priority for specs will be quite different than vanilla, except following the last content limitation.

I'm in favour of no modifications (within reason), however I believe you just need to be buy wow classic gold glad that we're becoming a mostly unchanged model of vanilla with progressive content launch.

A few small changes from utilizing the 7.3.5 engine and mainly sticking to the 1.12 customer gameplay wise are small concessions to create for an official vanilla client within a reasonable timeframe.

When it's only individual and individual tastes, and doesn't impact any others why not let it be there? If you'd like the traditional look they made a button that you simply press and what's just like this. For me I really want to play classic but not because I did it 13 years back, but since I wish to play the material of it. For me personally that content would get enhanced on if Graphics are much better and doesn't affect other? Well please allow me. I will find a much better experiance and you won't find anything, so why feel hurt within an alternative? You don't wanna utilize it then simply don't.

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