It seems too good to be Fortnite Items true from Limm's blog

It seems too good to be Fortnite Items true, otherwise I'm not certain why we would not be seeing a new Twitch Prime Pack each month as opposed to two times per year, and that's what we got in 2018. And I swear that initially the Archetype skincare package was supposed to be Twitch Prime loot, as it seemed exactly like the type of content which would be in a pack like that, but it finally just showed up in the shop, which was bizarre.

Something is happening here, however I can not quite figure exactly what out. With my luck I'll write this up and Epic will show the next Twitch Prime Bundle tomorrow or something, but buy fortnite weapons I wouldn't wager on it. They contact the giveaways and work out what is happening here.

There Is A Legendary Suppressed Sniper Rifle Coming Soon

There was a Fortnite challenge that week in which you need to get kills with suppressed weapons. Together with the suppressed SMG vaulted that leaves only the pistol and AR, but you might have another alternative on the table, an upcoming suppressed sniper rifle.The leak comes from hot new Fortnite leaker Lucas7Yoshi who seems like he's first to what these days. The weapon was rumored for a long, long time now, but files for it were only put in the match itself recently, and it may be arriving in the very following patch this upcoming week.

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