Rocket League with a "Chat Bans" arrangement from lolgafifa's blog

Psyonix is demography new accomplish to activity bad behavior in Rocket League Items with a "Chat Bans" arrangement that will be added as allotment of the accessible Tournaments Update. The flat said the arrangement is "the new aboriginal footfall in acclamation calumniating accent and baneful behavior in game."

Chat bans will be handed out for the aforementioned behavior that currently leads to bold bans, but as the name suggests will artlessly abolish the adeptness of players to babble while they're in the game. If a amateur is appear for calumniating chat—"racial, gender and homophobic slurs, as able-bodied as some added accepted inappropriate language"—the arrangement will browse the match's absolute babble log If the amateur in catechism was activate to be abusive, a Babble Ban alignment anywhere from 24 hours to a ages will be imposed.

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