The developer for "Rocket League" has appear the new Velocity Crates from lolgafifa's blog

Psyonix developers are still active abacus new agreeable to Rocket League Items. The new agreeable addendum uses the pop ability of the 1980s. In this context, the developer for "Rocket League" has appear the new "Velocity Crates". They will be accessible from 4 December 2017. Included is a new vehicle. It is the "Imperator DT5", which is apparent on the aloft picture. The architecture is thematically adapted to the 1980s.

Other apparatus of the new amplification for "Rocket League" cover six new decals and added engine sounds, which can be acclimated in aggregate with a lot of action cars The Best Place to Buy Games Gold & Coins & Items. Added crate items cover new Tor explosions, wheels, and agreeable that was not detailed. You can use the apparatus of "Velocity Crates" on several platforms: "Rocket League" is accessible for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch. The closing belvedere was alone a few canicule ago able with a archetype of the title.

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