
標籤搜尋結果 for: "uickbooks customer service"
Franco Adam

When you download QuickBooks, you will be provided with the feature of Payroll which is used on a subscription basis. It is very vital to the software as it handles all the payroll tasks of everyday business like ‘transferring of salary to employees, calculating payroll taxes, and filling them on time’, and many more. So it is without a doubt that the payroll feature is one of the crucial parts of QuickBooks. But this feature sometime cause problems to the user which can be sudden and without providing any kind of warning. The error is the problem of updating payroll. This issue is very routine for QuickBooks users and it happens quite often with people. And there have been many attempts to fix this problem by customers but most of the time it’s useless as many do not know how to proceed. So to help all those who are having issues with payroll update in QuickBooks, this blog has been created for you. But if you want to talk to an experienced technician instead, you can call QuickBooks Customer Care Number.

To resolve this issue, you need to perform some troubleshooting steps. These steps aren’t hard to understand so you will be able to perform it without any difficulty.

·       To start things off, you need to update the payroll Tax table. Go to ‘employees’ option and select ‘get payroll updates’.

·       Click on the option that reads ‘download entire payroll update’ and click on ‘update’.

·       After the download is completed, you will be given a message to read that says ‘a new tax table and/or updates to your payroll tax have been installed on your computer. Click ok to read the changes’. To read it, click on Ok as mentioned.

·       If this does not fix the issue, then you need to change the name of the folder titled ‘CPS’ to ‘CPSSOLD’.

·       After making the changes, try updating again. And if that does not help either, then turn off the User Account Control and then try downloading the updates again.

These are the steps you can try to resolve this issue. If followed properly it will fix it, but if in case you need to talk to a technical representative, get in touch with QuickBooks Customer Service.By calling this number you will be remotely assisted by a technical expert to help you fix the problem at hand.


Source URL: QuickBooks payroll update does not work