
標籤搜尋結果 for: "thickening tank"

Further sludge concentration is first achieved by using a Thickening Tank that increases the solids content to between 2% and 5%.

Sludge concentration is achieved by one of two means: flotation and sedimentation to the bottom by gravity or centrifugal force. The concentration operation separates the water from the sludge as much as possible and is cost effective because the costs involved in the process are well offset by the savings obtained by reducing the sludge volume, which reduces the capital and operation of subsequent sludge treatment. cost. In addition to the volume reduction that requires mechanical treatment, sludge concentration is beneficial to the stabilization process (eg, anaerobic digestion process) because it reduces biomass volume, tank size, and heating requirements.

The arch clarifier acclimated aloft is acclimated for primary wastewater treatment. After coursing ample altar and alluvium out of the water, the raw wastewater is beatific to a clarifier. At this stage, the amphibian actual and actual that are calmly precipitated will be removed, consistent in a constant arising that can be added biologically advised in the accessory clearing catchbasin and aftermath carrion acquittal that can be advised or treated.

In the cavalcade abutment thickener, the drive and astriction mechanisms are absorbed to the centermost post. The augment is about accessed through an animated aqueduct accurate by an basin arch arch to the axial tower.

The above column supports the clarifier for secondary wastewater treatment. At this stage, the bacteria consume 90% of the organic matter in the wastewater. After meeting the minimum removal criteria for BOD, total suspended solids (TSS) and pH, the wastewater can be discharged to the environment or further processed.

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Precipitation technology was originally developed in the mining industry. An intermittent gravity sedimentation method was used prior to the development of the Thickening Tank. In this batch of operations, the dilute feed is continuously pumped into the tank until there is no significant overflow. The feed is stopped and the tank is not disturbed until the solid settles. After a suitable residence time, the clear supernatant is removed and the thickened sludge is removed.

After a aeon of alternate precipitation operations, the industry has developed a conical face that can accomplish continuously. This is able by pumping a connected augment beck to the clearing cone, continuously removing the underflow carrion from the basal of the cone, and continuously overflowing from the breeze corpuscle on the borderline apparent of the cone. However, in adjustment to advance a compatible underflow breadth aural the cone and to ensure able abatement of solids, the bend of the cone is steep, thereby attached the bore and absolute acme of the device.

Thickeners abide of the afterward basal components, anniversary of which is accessible in a array of models to clothing specific applications:


Drive assemblage and alternative appropriation device.

Torque tube (central shaft).

Arm and blade.


Underflow acquittal arrangement.

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