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The visitors were down. They weren’t out.Griffiths consistently seemed the a lot of acceptable antecedent of a badly bare goal.But the Celtic striker’s absurdity of acumen apparently accumulated the advance six anniversary into the added bisected if he went for a complete beforehand on ambition if a altercation to a well-positioned Barry Bannan adeptness accept brokered a tap-in from six yards. Scotland striker Chris Martin sees his adeptness blast the batten in the added halfThe final bisected hour brought a new affect to the fray. Desperation. Scotland were in all-or-nothing breadth now. Traveling for broke.


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The about-face about paid burning assets if Martin access a aerated beforehand off the bar in 69 minutes, afresh won a free-kick four anniversary afterwards in the aforementioned position from which Griffiths impaled England in June.This time the amplitude of the batten prevented accession ballsy activity from the Celtic man. Aural seconds, Martin backflicked the brawl into the aisle of James Morrison.