
標籤搜尋結果 for: "tera reddit"

I didn't have to wait to fight either, making things tera gold much better. I was amazed how quickly that the game delivers me from guide island to the main game. Scoring my first mount just after the starting isle is critical; allowing me quickly get around the huge world was predominant (no pun intended) in maintaining my attention. Finding quests to level me up is easy too, making building my character to a powerhouse quick and painless. I kept playing and kept construction, staying hooked the entire time. The match never left me from the dust, and I loved it. That is another foible of MMOs that TERA does well to prevent: new gamers like me will never feel behind the curve.

What's not as enjoyable, however, is that the technology surrounding that battle. The artwork fashion, taking cues from similar and anime cartoon fashions, does appeal to the eye. The game cannot conceal its age though; I immediately see noticeable chips at the armor. Everything looks dated, from the surroundings to the character's animations. Six years worth of patches and updates, while successful, can only go so far, and this console edition of TERA does not succeed in hiding the game's age. There's a really last-gen sense to the game, which will turn off some players directly in the jump. I didn't mind the dated visuals after a time, but they're certainly noticeable from the get-go.

While the world may not hold up to modern standards, TERA's personalization package does. I get a ton of options right from the jump in order to build the specific character I need. Gender, race, color scheme, class, you name it I can change it. Some races do not have genders, such as the Baraka, but that is one of just a few constraints. I will say the lack of 3 classes available on PC, valkyrie, ninja, and gunner, is unsatisfactory however. I can only hope Bluehole makes them accessible to the console crowd shortly. Fortunately they are not a massive loss, since the available classes like the Berserker, Lancer, and Priest give me lots of approaches to playwith.

Moving into this review I was fearful TERA Online would adhere too closely to the standard MMO tropes. I feared that I'd make a character, slog around the tutorial, and finally be bored after a few hours. None of that happened. Rather, TERA did a wonderful job of pulling in, keeping me about, and gaining my respect. It's not an ideal name, as six years of tera reddit existence have produced a couple of unavoidable quirks. None of them break the experience, however, which makes TERA a no-brainer to get at least a trial run. PC-caliber MMOs used to be a pipe dream, but today with games like TERA Online, they're a reality.

mtnba2k Jul 5 '18 · 標籤: tera gold, tera reddit