
標籤搜尋結果 for: "temtem pansun"

 Some Temtem are harmonious with each other while others are not. There are a couple conditions which need to be Temtem Pansun fulfilled off, the Temtem need to be different sexes. Second, the Temtem must share at least one type. For instance, Babawa is a Water-type and Nature Temtem, which means it can breed with another Temtem that is a Nature or a Water-type Temtem. Both Temtem must be fertile. Consequently, so as to breed, they need to be fertile.

In case you have a Temtem that you would like to breed, it is possible to provide it a Fertility Essence and increase its fertility rate by 1, but it will cost you. In addition, they do not become available until later in the game.

To keep you from turning your Temtem into reproduction machines, Crema has made it Temtem can only breed a maximum of eight occasions, and that's only if their fertility rate is full, to begin with. Every time a Temtem produces offspring, their fertility value lowers by 1. If you're using a keyboard press Esc or if you are using an Xbox controller, press the LT trigger to bring up the menu.

Select Squad from the first dropdown. Your party is going to appear on screen. Pick the Temtem you want to Buy Temtem Pansuns test. The stats of the Temtem will appear.Look in the Teal leaf in the top righthand corner of the display. This Raiber will breed eight occasions since all seven leaves and the stem cells are full.You'll want to be aware of your Temtem's fertility so that you may be tactical to help any eggs receive the best stats.

Limm Mar 4 '20 · 標籤: temtem pansun