
標籤搜尋結果 for: "fr skin regeneration machine"

What is the stretch marks?

It is well known that the main cause of stretch marks is caused by hormones during pregnancy, the skin of the abdomen will bulge, the elastic fibers and collagen fibers will be damaged by traction, and the skin will become thinner than before, so many wave patterns of different widths and lengths will appear. , pink or purple. After childbirth, this pattern will disappear, leaving a white or silver-white scar line, these are stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks?

With the development of the medical and cosmetic industry, stretch marks can be removed by increasing collagen production, improving skin tone and thickness. Commonly used techniques are the OPT SHR FR Skin Regeneration machine, microcrystalline grinding, acid skin, and skin graft surgery.

The difference between stretch mark removal treatment:

Wrinkle-removing products: can only improve the precipitation of skin epidermal pigments, which will recover with metabolism.
Filled product: Protein is filled from the outside, but the absorption rate is very low, which can not meet the requirements of cell remodeling.
Microcrystalline grinding: wears normal skin, makes the skin smooth, the treatment process is very painful, and the stretch marks will recover after 2-3 months.
Skin transplant surgery: only repair the epidermis, but can not repair the deep tissue, it requires multiple treatments, the results are not very good.
Fractional laser: requires multiple treatments, but only improves pigmentation and does not result in permanent trace removal.

What is the best way to remove stretch marks?

Clinically proven, the best way to stretch marks now is FR Skin Regeneration machine. The energy of RF will be transmitted to deeper tissues through non-insulated microneedles. The heat of energy will promote the growth of collagen and eventually tighten the skin. After that, the stretch marks will be eliminated.

What is the advantage of microneedle RF?

Treatment does not damage the epidermis.
The erythema will disappear within 24 hours after treatment
Focus on the control of the treatment area
Control pulse time 0.1 seconds, pulse power 1w
Use 36 or 49 micro-unwanted electrodes to reduce pain during treatment
Continuous heating using a non-insulated microelectrode.