
標籤搜尋結果 for: "csgo skins for sale"

At this point, just doing the things over, you need to be CSGO Skins well on your way to being a decent CS player. You should be able to get into some non-refundable rated matches and maintain your own. With enough practice, you'll begin climbing your way up the rank system, and you'll need to find out some more advanced stuff once you start getting from the lowest ranks. Here is some stuff that can allow you to continue advancing.

Play with people better than you - The advantage of doing so in basically any competitive game cannot be overstated. Should you play with and against people significantly better than you, you may lose badly, but you'll learn fast. Educating yourself with skilled players is a surefire way to pick up the high-level sport quickly, even if it does suck when you are getting crushed in match after match.

Focus on the important weapons - The higher level matches you're playing, the more you'll start seeing the same firearms being used over and over again. There is not much debate over which weapons would be the most useful in the typical CS game: you will want to learn how to frag effectively together with the AK-47 (when on the terrorist side), the M4A4 or even M4A1-S (when on the CT side), and the AWP if you would like to play that role (many five-man teams will only have one AWPer). It is worthwhile to get decent at a few of the cheaper guns also, but the huge majority of the time you will be using one of those above-mentioned rifles once you get into the more advanced ranks.

Lower your mouse sensitivity - This might sound like a bizarre one, but you're most likely playing with a higher mouse sensitivity than you should be. Most pros use around 400 dpi because of their CSGO Skins for sale mouse sensitivity, together with the in-game sensitivity slider set to approximately 2.0. You do not need to replicate them exactly, but something near there's certainly preferable. It will feel weird when you first turn it down. Power through it. Your goal will improve tremendously in the long term.