
標籤搜尋結果 for: "buy r6 credits"

Before this month, Ubisoft provided a quick buy R6 Credits summary of its attempts to combat cheating in Rainbow Six Siege, which contained a plan to get a wave of bans on gamers with fostered accounts--that is, reports whose MMR [Matchmaking Rating] was artificially manipulated. Nowadays it posted an update on that circumstance, saying that approximately 1,300 boosted players had been suspended for 15 days this week, and promising harsher penalties to come.

Suspended players will be returned to actions before the conclusion of this current year, but their ill-gotten profits will not. "We are now analyzing how we will be delivering this from a technical side, but all players justified because of this may have their position and benefits eliminated prior to the launching of Season 3," Ubisoft wrote.

It is a big move--the reduction of seasonal status and benefits (a exceptional weapon charm( largely ) is a critical deterrent alongside a last-minute holiday --but Ubi also highlighted that it doesn't think about the suspensions to be a long-term fix. "It was a stop-gap while we work on the remedy, which will be correcting MMR gains/losses for all players in a match using a cheater," it wrote.

A timeline for that change to be attracted into place hasn't been set, but it sounds like it'll be quite awhile yet. Ubisoft expects to get the system layout finalized next week, at which stage it'll be able to determine what resources will be necessary to pull it off, and come up with a much better idea of when it will happen. Work on two-step verification for best products ranked play is also ongoing, and Ubisoft expects to roll that out sometime following the beginning of season 3.

Ubisoft is now gearing up to the next season because of its hit strategic.

 shooter, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.

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mtnba2k Oct 5 '18 · 標籤: buy r6 credits