
標籤搜尋結果 for: "buy nba 2k21 mt"

I rather take shit locker codes along with a free Goat card than last year's content using better codes, but I get where you're coming from. Same here. I never got one opal last year. With nba 2k21 mt coins all the offline content this season, I have 4 and will have more in a few days. Locker codes are cool although I typically do not get anything of notice from them. I never played myteam. Yesterday, Launched 4 months back, I got my opal. This game seems pretty generous. I have not spent one dime. Really impressed. That's some good fortune! Whenever I get a package from a code, it only has a silver, bronze, or player.

I am gonna get downvoted but man you guys are sissies.. I know online is tough, but just like real basketball... practice. And get much better. And if you're actually complaining about offline then idk. In case you can't conquer offline, ESPECIALLY with rapid thru sts then you just have to work harder to secure better lol. Ou are going to get downvoted as you would rather insult people than read.

If you'd bother to stop patting yourself on the back for a moment and use a few comprehension, you would have noticed that I don't have trouble winning offline. I have been playing with this game likely longer than you've been alive. I also have no difficulty. What I said in my post...since you couldn't be bothered to read it was I do not enjoy NBA 2K20play about the higher difficulties. That doesn't mean I can't win. I also don't like to use the fast thru, because in case you have to resort to some busted play to score, then it ruins the contest.

My final point was that play higher problems ought to be tougher because of better basketball and implementation. Not because all of your players powers are removed. Maybe it's possible to take this times to grow and reflect rather than to attempt to buy nba 2k21 mt impress strangers with the magnitude of your digital 2k penis. I've been residing quite a few years until 2k existed. But go off guy. I didn't even really say anything quite"insulting" and that I mostly just used your post to vent about the rest of the half wits playing this game at this time. But yes I will take this opportunity to reflect about a video game, thank you.

Limm Oct 23 '20 · 標籤: buy nba 2k21 mt