
標籤搜尋結果 for: "808 diode laser hair removal device"

El cabello endógeno es un cabello rizado que vuelve a crecer en la piel en lugar de levantarse de él. A veces, la piel muerta puede taponar los folículos capilares. Esto obliga al cabello dentro de él a crecer lateralmente debajo de la piel en lugar de hacia arriba y hacia afuera. A veces, cortar el cabello rizado natural demasiado apretado hará que la punta del cabello atraviese la piel, haciendo que el cabello crezca hacia adentro. El cabello endógeno no es serio. Pero pueden sentirse enojados y avergonzados.

Prevención endógena del cabello

Para prevenir el vello encarnado, pruebe los siguientes consejos cada vez que afeite:

Todos los días, limpie su cara con movimientos circulares con una toalla húmeda o un exfoliante exfoliante, y peine el cabello endógeno fijo.
Afeitado con una afilada cuchilla de un solo filo.
Humedezca la piel con agua tibia y aplique un gel lubricante antes de afeitarse.
Afeitarse el cabello en la misma dirección está creciendo.
Use navajas de afeitar lo menos posible. Esto reduce la posibilidad de que el cabello vuelva a deslizarse hacia la piel.
Enjuague la cuchilla con agua después de cada golpe.
No te acerques demasiado a tu piel. Si puedes, deja un poco de vergüenza.
Si usa una máquina de afeitar eléctrica, manténgala ligeramente sobre la superficie de la piel.
Después de afeitarse, aplique una toalla fría sobre la piel para reducir la irritación.
También puede probar otros métodos de depilación que tienen menos probabilidades de producir crecimiento de pelo. Estos métodos incluyen cremas depilatorias que disuelven el cabello y 808 diode laser hair removal device o corriente eléctrica (electrólisis) para eliminar permanentemente los folículos pilosos.

diode laser hair removal machine
808nm diode laser hair removal machine



If you are a woman and your hair grows in a place that is usually only useful to men, such as your upper lip, chin, chest, stomach, or back, this is a condition called hirsutism.

Hair is usually dark and rough, not light, covering most of the body's fine "peach hair."

the reason

It is usually caused by genes, hormones or drugs.

gene. Sometimes hirsutism is popular in the family. If your mother or sister owns it, you are more likely to get it. People from the Middle East, South Asia, and the Mediterranean are also more common.

hormone. Many times this condition is associated with high levels of androgens (called androgens). It is normal for the female body to do this, and low levels do not lead to excessive hair growth. But when these quantities are too high, they can cause hirsutism and other things such as acne, deep sounds, and small breasts.

High levels of male hormones and hirsutism are common in women with the following conditions:

Polycystic ovary syndrome causes small ovaries or fluid-filled vesicles to form in your ovaries.
Cushing syndrome, when you have a high level of stress hormone cortisol for a long time, you will get this syndrome.
Adrenal tumors (make cortisol and other hormones) or ovarian tumors.
Medication. Some medicines can change hormone levels in your body so you can grow unwanted hair on your face or body. This may happen at:

Drugs with hormones, such as anabolic steroids
Drugs that stimulate hair growth, such as Rogaine (minoxidil)
A drug called cannabis secretion (danazol) helps endometriosis when uterine tissue grows outside the womb


If your facial hair or body hair is more than you want, you can remove it in many ways.

lose weight. If you are overweight and lose weight, your body should reduce male hormones, so you should reduce hair on your face or body.

Shave. You can easily remove unwanted hair with a razor or electric shaver. You may need to shave every day to avoid wreckage growth. Some people often shave, but soothing creams may help.

Dice or threading. There are different ways to remove hair from the root. You can use tweezers. Or you can hire someone to "thread" - surround and remove each unwanted hair with a long, tight line. These methods can cause pain and redness.

Waxing. One way to quickly eliminate excess hair from the root is to use a melted wax. You often do this in the salon. Apply the wax to the skin and remove it quickly. It can cause pain and redness.

paste. Some creams have strong chemicals called epilation agents. You apply the cream and let it sit for a while. When you wipe it off, the hair will follow. They may stimulate the sensitive skin, so test a small spot before using it in large areas.

electrolysis. You can use electrolysis to remove the hair, which is an expensive service that can take root on the hair by electric current. After repeating the above process several times, the hair will stop growing in the treatment area.

Laser hair removal. Using 808 diode laser hair removal device light energy to penetrate the hair shaft, it actually kills the hair root. This doesn't kill the follicle (the place where hair growth starts). So technically, another hair can grow in its place, but it's difficult. That means results of 808nm diode laser hair removal machine last a fairly long time. Best For Removing or reducing hair on back, chest, stomach, shoulders, and genital area. Works best on light skin with dark hair; not suitable for blond or white hair. Black skin responds well to only one type of laser, the Nd: YAG.

Medication. Doctors can prescribe drugs and change the way your body grows hair. However, when you stop using drugs, your hair will grow back.


You may wish to escape to the beach or swimming pool as the temperature in the summer temporarily increases. This means that you are considering slipping on your swimsuit and keeping your bikini lines and legs looking good.

In my Beverly Hills practice, I usually see more appointments in the summer for hair removal in the legs, bikini area and face. People tend to try different hair removal methods before they figure out the best method for them.


Removing hair from your legs is not as complicated as other parts of your body. In most cases, shaving is still the most popular method. Please note: If the skin is broken, red, inflamed or inflamed, do not shave. For best shaving results, follow these simple steps:

1. First, wet the skin.
2. Use moisturizing shaving cream.
3. Use a clean, sharp blade.
4. Apply a moisturizer after shaving.

Legs are large areas of 808nm diode laser hair removal machine or waxing but can be done. If your skin is irritated, you should also avoid waxing.

Make sure the salon is clean, safe and keeps the wax fresh and at the appropriate temperature (at least 150 degrees Fahrenheit) to minimize the chance of bacterial growth.

Book your appointment in the morning as this will increase your chances of receiving fresh cutlery and candles. Ask your salon their policy is to clean up and discard products that may be used on multiple clients.

Bikini Area

808 diode laser hair removal device is the most effective and best way to remove hair from the bikini area. Shaving and waxing can cause hair growth, scarring, and even razor bumps.

The best way to deal with razor bumps is to start with preventive measures. Razor lumps and related symptoms are caused by endogenous hair and inflammation. So, when you are shaving, use a sharp blade while your hair is moist and always shave in the direction of the hair follicle. You should shave your hair instead of facing the grain.

If you still develop razor bumps, add moisturizers and exfoliants to your procedure after shaving. Exfoliants will help remove the upper skin that can cause clogged pores. In addition, consider using a mild hydrocortisone cream after shaving. This will help soften the skin, dry hair, and help reduce inflammation.

Enjoy smooth, hairless skin this summer!