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AOL Email Customer Care

Mobile technology and internet access make it easier than ever for you to stay in touch with your contacts using emails. Imagine that you are stuck in traffic and have not yet reached the office, but there is an urgent email that you need to respond to immediately. In a situation like this, your iPhone can be your savior. One of the biggest benefits of connecting your AOL email account to your iPhone is that you can send and receive email even if you are traveling. However, if you do not sync your email account properly, you will not be able to send or receive emails, and your AOL email account will not work. This article will give you a brief overview of what you can do to solve the issue in case you see that AOL email is not working on iPhone. Additionally, if you find that AOL keeps crashing whenever you try to access your account on iPhone, you should call the aol email tech support number to implement a more advanced solution.

Step to fix AOL email not working on iPhone

The most common reason why AOL email stops working on iPhone is that the server settings are wrong. When you set up your AOL email account on your iPhone, you need to be sure you have the correct server settings to complete the setup process. When AOL stops working you need to delete the account from your iPhone and then add it once again. You can refer to the setup steps given below to make sure you have configured your account correctly:

·        Step 1: Unlock your iPhone and open the main ‘Settings’ menu

·        Step 2: Click ‘Passwords and Account’ and select your AOL account.

·        Step 3: Press ‘Delete Account’ and then restart your iPhone.

·        Step 4: Reopen the settings menu and click ‘Passwords and Account.’

·        Step 5: Click ‘Add Mail Account’ and enter your AOL email details.

·        Step 6: When you enter the email address be sure to include ‘’

·        Step 7: For the incoming mail server, enter: “”

·        Step 8: In the outgoing mail server section type:

·        Step 9: Enter IMAP-993-SSL and SMTP-465-SSL for the respective port numbers

Carefully double-check the email server settings you entered and click ‘Save.’ Keep in mind that even though the server settings are the same regardless of the email application you use, the setting may differ based on your account type. The settings mentioned in the steps above should only be used for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). If you still cannot get your email to work on your iPhone, you can call the aol email customer care and ask for additional assistance. Experienced email technicians are available 24 hours a day give you the best solution to resolve any issue related to your AOL email account.


Read more: aol email phone number

Source URL: AOL Email not working on iPhone

AOL Email Customer Care

Although email technology has improved the way we communicate and brings people closer together, as with any other technology, email services also have certain pitfalls. One of the most significant risks while using any email service is the presence of spam emails that are meant to steal personal data or damage your computer in some way. Hackers often send out emails with attractive get-rich-quick schemes or prizes to lure unsuspecting individuals into giving up personal or financial data. It is often reported that many people suffer financial loss because of email fraud. Even though email service providers have built-in spam filters to block harmful email, you should know how to block emails on your own and protect your account. This article will give you a general overview of how you can block unwanted emails on your AOL email account. Apart from changing the email settings or updating the spam filters, you should contact AOL Email Customer Support Number whenever you notice any suspicious email activity related to your email account. Email expert will be able to guide you and give you helpful suggestions so that you can protect your data and keep your AOL account secure.

Steps to block emails on your AOL email account

If you know the email address or the username of the account you want to block you can follow the steps given below and change your AOL mail settings to block any future emails from that account:

·        Step 1: Open your web browser and visit the AOL login page.

·        Step 2: Enter your login details and open your AOL Mail account.

·        Step 3: Click on ‘Options’ and open the AOL Mail settings.

·        Step 4: Navigate to the Spam settings tab to block the emails.

·        Step 5: Type the username of the person whose emails you want to block.

·        Step 6: If you want, you can also enter the email address in the given field.

·        Step 7: Click the small Plus icon (+) after you entered the required details.

·        Step 8: Once you added the relevant usernames and email addresses to the list, you can save the settings and exit AOL Mail.

In the future if you need to remove a particular username from the blocked list, or if you need to make any changes to the spam filter, you can open the mail settings and tap the ‘X’ symbol that is next to that particular email address or username. If you have any trouble completing the steps mentioned above, or if you find that you still receive emails even after you tried to block an email address, you can call the AOL Email Tech Support

 and ask for additional technical assistance. Experienced email technicians are available 24 hours a day and will be able to give you some helpful tips and suggestions on how you can block emails on AOL and keep your account secure.


Read more:  AOL Email Customer Service

Source URL: How to block emails on AOL Account

AOL Email Customer Care

Blerk error or Blerk error 1 is associated with AOL mail and occurs during the sign in process. This error is displayed on the window screen indicating that due to some possible reason, you are denied the access to sign in to your AOL mail. There can be many factors behind the issue. Keep on reading this blog to know the reasons and their simultaneous solutions. You can also dial AOL Email Customer Service Number any time when you feel the urgency of technical assistance.

Availability of junk files:

When the browser is being overloaded with junk files comprising of cache, cookies, history, and bookmarks, it can cause sign in troubles for different mail accounts. Delete all the junk from the system and certify to do it on a regular basis.

AOL Desktop Gold issue:

If you are using or accessing AOL email through the desktop application, then you must first look out for any cause of worry in AOL Desktop Gold. You can update the software, ensure to use the updated AOL mail URL, and tackle any problem with the desktop software to solve the issue.

Browser incompatibility:

Due to some technical issues in the web browser you are using, there can occur problems in signing in to AOL mail. Look at the settings that need to be done for different web browsers.

·        Internet Explorer

üAlways use the advanced version

üYou are required to expand Internet Explorer and go to ‘Tools.’

üChoose Internet Security and once done, go to Internet Zone in the security window.

üEnable the protection mode by checking the box associated with it.

üLook for AOL mail and add it to the trusted site zone. For that follow the procedure; Tools>Internet>Security>Trustedsite zone>Sites>AOL

üOnce done, restart the system to update the changes.

·        Mozilla Firefox

üDisable the add-ons from the help window

üIn the dialog box that appears, select the option of ‘Start in safe mode.’

üDoing this will disable the themes and extensions

·        Google Chrome

üUpdate the web browser to its latest version

üDelete the browser’s history, cookies, and cache

üScan the system and run an antivirus scan

üSwitch off the privacy and the security settings

Internet troubles:

This is the most basic issue. When you are trying to sign in, just verify whether the system has been connected to the net connection. If it has lost the connection, then secure it first. But if it is facing troubles even after maintaining the connection, then ask your internet service provider to fix the issue.

If these issues and their respective solutions are not able to solve your query, then kindly dial AOL Email Support number and talk to the techies regarding the same.


Read more: AOL Email Technical Support 

Source URL: Repair of Blerk Error in AOL Mail

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

AOL Email is one of those emails which is most demand by the people of the world. The features which increased its craze among the people of the world include large inbox size, greater attachment size, protection from the viruses and other malware. Even after having so many features this email service is not far away from the glitches which people have to face every single time they access their emails. These errors can be either technical or manual. But one thing is for sure that people don’t forget to call AOL Email Customer Care Number every time they witness any issue.

One such issue which can become a headache for the users is importing of contacts in AOL email. Here importing means moving data from any other device or program to these emails. And if the topic is importing of contacts then it means that you are moving contacts saved into your device to your AOL email. Importing of contacts into AOL email require little concentration from the users end so that they can execute the below-mentioned steps in correct sequence they are given:

·        You need to login to your AOL account by entering the accurate username and password. Don’t forget to check the Caps key while entering the login credential.

·        Once you are successful logged into your account, you will see your inbox

·        Now you need to look for Contacts on the page that is opened. You can find it on the left-hand side of the panel

·        Above the contacts list, there is Tools option available you need to click on it

·        And then you must click on the Import

·        Here you will be asked to locate the CSV file on your system which you want to import. Just browse the file and once you have selected the file of your choice just click on ‘Import’ button

·        This process will take few seconds to complete and once it is completed you will be able to see the contacts you imported on your AOL emails Contact list.

·        Now if you want you can edit your Contacts by adding pictures, info and job description.

If while importing the contacts if you led yourself into any trouble then you don’t need to panic as by just dialing AOL Email Tech Support your problem will be fixed. This number is known for remain active at all 24 hours so that people can avail the help from experts at any time of day despite having time and location constraints.


Read More: AOL Email Support 

Source URL: How to import contacts in AOL mail

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

When you own an iPhone and have an AOL membership also. Then it will be easy for you to send or receive emails via AOL email service. You can anytime check the information or status of your AOL email account by adding that on your iPhone.

When you are an AOL email user, so in order to secure your account keep changing the password and you can change the password of your AOL email on iPhone. If you don’t know the steps to change AOL email password on iPhone, then read this whole blog and know the steps. This blog will be helpful to you, so read this blog and follow the same instructions given. Proceed with the guidance one by one. Then you can contact AOL Email Technical Support.


Steps to change the password on iPhone

1.     Ensure that you know the password of your AOL email account.

2.     Go to the app list by swiping up the on the iPhone screen.

3.     Open the default email app on your iPhone.

4.     On the login page, enter the AOL email username and password, and tap on login.

5.     Then tap on the gear icon and go to the AOL email settings.

6.     Under the setting choose to go to the account settings. In that select change the password.

7.     Then in the appeared section, enter the current AOL email password as asked.

8.     After that, you can create a new password. Enter the new and unique password.

9.     Then fill confirm new password field.

10.                        Then click on the continue button and don’t forget to save the changes.


Finally, you should have changed the AOL email password successfully, if you have followed the instructions as it is. Once you should try to login to AOL email using the new password to make sure you are able to access into your account. If you fail to access into AOL email using a new password or there is an error while AOL email password reset, then you should contact with AOL Email Customer Service Number.

Sometimes users forget the password of their AOL email account. In that critical situation, you should try to recover the password of your AOL email account. You can do that via secondary email or registered a phone number. Hopefully, this blog will be helpful for you, if you need an expert help then you can talk to professionally trained techies on the customer support number.


Read more: AOL Email Helpline Number


Source URL: How to change AOL Password on iPhone

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

AOL email service is accessible on computers, mobiles, tablets, and IPad. Due to AOL email outstanding service and features, it has earned a very good reputation in the world.

But somehow AOL email users also get into troubles while using AOL email. Same goes with IPad users who use AOL email on their IPad. They face common issues on a regular basis.

These issues can be fixed with some simple troubleshooting steps. Read this article and you will know about AOL email resolving techniques or you can reach out to AOL Email Customer Support Number team to get the best solution of AOL email technical issues.

Troubleshooting techniques to solve AOL email issues on IPad:

The common reasons behind AOL email on an IPad can be poor internet network, almost full storage etc. Try these techniques to solve the technical issue of AOL email on IPad.

1.    Setup of AOL email on IPad: Follow below-given steps to set use AOL email on IPad

a.     Go to settings and tap on “Mail, Contacts, Calendar” tab.

b.    Then touch the Account tab and select to add account.

c.     After that enter the correct account credentials to sign up your account and you will be able to use AOL email on your phone.

2.    Wrong username and the password: Sometimes AOL users face the login error because they don’t enter the username and the password carefully, and end up with entering the wrong username or password error. So once again try to login into AOL Email and be careful while filling the username and password required field.

3.    Forgotten password:Remembering a strong password can be hard for some peoples due to which they face the login error because they forgot the password. If you are one of them then you can reset the password of your AOL email account by below-given steps:

a.     Visit the login page of AOL email and tap on “forgot the password”.

b.    Then you will have to choose a password resetting option. You can choose to recover a password through the registered email ID and registered a phone number.

c.     Whichever you will choose you will get a verification message on that.

d.    Use that verification message to set the new password. Just remember to create a strong password due to security reasons.

These were some common issues and solution IPad users face while using AOL email. If you face any other Technical issue AOL email you must reach to AOL Email Tech Support and you will get the best solution of your problem.


Source URL: Troubleshooting AOL email on Ipad

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

Imagine if you are trying to access into your AOL email account and you get a message, that your AOL email account is blocked. And you don’t know what to do in this kind of situation, then you should call on the AOL Email Tech Support. You will get assistant of experts and specialized techies on this number. These techies are 24X7 available for you. These techies will give you the best solution regarding your problem and it will be a long-lasting solution to your problem.


The reasonbehind the account block?

These days the suspicious activities over the internet have been increased. Hackers and other spammers send the data which is not sophisticated over the internet and try to disturb the security. These incidents have increased in the recent time period. So, when AOL email provider senses any suspicious activities with an AOL email account, they block it. Let’s take a look at some cases by which an account can be blocked:

·       Billing issue

·       If the terms and conditions are broken

·       Username cancellation

·       Activities in your account which are suspicious


What to do in the situation, when AOL email account is blocked?


If you are an AOL email user and your account is blocked then there are some simple ways how you can get rid of this problem:

·       Try to reset your AOL email account password.

·       Change your AOL account password.

·       You can reset your account password in two ways, one is by a registered Alternate email account and another is registered a phone number.

·       You will get a password reset link on the Alternate email, click on that link and create a strong password and then try to access into your AOL account.

·       Else, you will get a verification code on the registered phone number. Enter that code in the required field and create a strong password. Then try to log in again.


These methods should solve this issue of yours but still, after getting access into your account, you should recheck your account's credentials. Enable the two-step verification on your AOL account or call on the AOL Email Technical Support Number.


Read more: AOL Email Contact Number

Source URL: AOL Email account is blocked

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

Now a daysthe threat of cyber-attack has increased a lot. Having an antivirus installed doesn’t mean your system is protected from outer as well as inner viruses, malware, and another malicious program. In order to provide an extra layer of the shield, it is necessary to install AOL tech Fortress. To gain more information about this software just get in touch with AOL Email Customer Care Number who areonline 24x7 to clarify all your concerns.

Features of AOL Tech Fortress

·        Protect computer from a malicious computer application, software or viruses

·        It acts as a companion of your antivirus software

·        Scan every program before launching or using it

·        Operates in the background without disturbing the speed and performance of the system

System Requirement

Minimum system requirement needed for AOL Tech fortress are:

·        Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1,10. AOL Tech fortress is not compatible with Mac devices and iOS

·        1 GB RAM

·        200 Mb free disk space

If you have AOL account then just sign-in using username and password. But if you don’t have you to register yourself then begin the process of installing.

Install AOL tech fortress

·        Click on ‘MyBenefits’ after signing to account

·        Locate AOL tech fortress and click to download it

·        Once the download is complete, run the .exe file

·        A series of installation wizard steps will open

·        You need to read the terms of the agreement and accept it

·        Once the installation step is completed, click on the prompt of Finish

·        A windowwill open asking to restart your system. You can either do it now or select later.

Uninstall AOL tech fortress

·        Open the control panel

·        Locate the option of Uninstall a program or Add/Remove a program

·        From the list of installed program, search for AOL tech Fortress

·        Click on it to Uninstall/ Remove it

·        You need to follow the onscreen instruction displayed on your screen to complete the process of uninstallation

·        Once done, restart the system

If you get stuck while performing the steps as directed then reach AOL Email Customer Support who are available all day long to sort out the issue. The team of experts will help you in resolving the problem in a fractionof time. They are known for their prompt response and giving a completesolution for the issue confronted.


Read more: AOL Mail Customer Care Number

Source URL: Install and uninstall AOL tech fortress powered by AppGuard

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

If you are unable to read the AOL email, there may be different reasons behind this problem. To solve the problem with AOL mail you don’t need to take the stress when tech support is here to help you. You can reach to tech support via AOL Email Customer Support Number 1-877-226-6053 and find the solution. The trained experts of customer care are 24 X 7 ready to help its customers. Well, you can also try some troubleshootingsteps described here. After ever successful attempt you need to check if you are able to read mail, if not then try next step. Follow all steps until you able to solve the problem.

Solutions to fix Mail problem:

·        Remove the cookies, cache, history, and footprints which are the reason for email conflict. After deleting all junk and temp files try to read the email. If you are still failed to read it then go to next step.

·        Check if there are any issues with the Web setting & reset it.

·        Make sure if the firewall is act as a hindrance for AOL Mail, then temporary block it. Antivirus feature firewall use to block the email, which may be one reason this email problem.

·        Deactivate the pop-up blocking software, try to access your AOL mail by using other browser & then read the email. You can also try to access the AOL email via another device.

·        Temporarilydeactivate the Internet Protected Mode in Internet Explorer

·        Access the AOL email by using Basic version & then click on inbox.


After trying these all steps if you are unable to read the AOL email, you need to reach out to the customer care. Via AOL Email Customer Service you will able to resolve the problem. The service of tech support is 24 X 7 available for its users. Within a shortperiod of time,the experts will offeryou the exactsolution. Whenever you required help for AOL Email troubleshoots, just as tech support team. To get an exactsolution for AOL Email problem you can opt for customer care team.


Read more: AOL Email Phone Number

Source URL: Why am I not able to read email in AOL Mail

Aol Email Customer Care 1-877-226-6053

Are you unable to access your AOL Email account? Are you facing hassles in signing into your account? And you don’t know the right way to get access to your account! Then you are reading the right blog. Here you will get to know the possible reasons due to which you are unable to get access to your AOL email account as well as solution to fix the issue. For urgent help in accessing your account, you can get in touch with AOL Email Customer Care Number 1-877-226-6053which can be accessed at any time of the day.

There might be possibly two reasons behind your inability to access your email account. Firstly, you are unable to sign in to your account, secondly, you have forgotten your password. There can be other causes as well but these two are the basic ones. But to get easy access to your account, you can try performing the troubleshooting steps yourself.

üBefore starting the troubleshooting check these points:

üDid you use your correct username and password? Were your caps lock off while entering the details?

üDo you want to qualify for a new account if you are fed up using the old one?

üHave you forgotten your password

üHave you tried rebooting and clearing your device’s cache and cookies?

If you can relate the above questions with your issue then there is some problem in signing into the account or wrong entering the password.

Solution: How to get access to your AOL email account

ØTry remembering the details of password and username

ØBy resetting the password

ØBy setting your browsers security settings to default

ØTry clearing any cache/cookies, footprints from the websites you visited

ØTry checking your network connection

You can always reset your password in case of inability to access your account or simply ask for help from AOL Email Customer Service, where the trained technicians will help you in sorting out the issue in minimum time.


Read more: AOL Email Phone Number

Source URL: Unable to access AOL Email account

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