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The bad: the text out the  buy Maplestory Mesos missions isn't optimized, as well as the items relevant to the missions need to be chosen from a menu screen.Perhaps, one of the most painful flaws that may be put to TERA, is the simple fact that there is not sufficient information from the sport or skills tutorials to ensure that the most novice console players can find out how rotations operate, or understand how handle in the most difficult moments of the title.


This is easily remedied, because all this information can be consulted in online forums and pages, but it could have been great if the Bluehole had given more help to the neophytes in TERA.Removing these small calculation errors that developers have committed, TERA remains one of the very best and most unique MMORPGs you can find now, and that doesn't change in its own variants for PS4 and Xbox One.


Its combat system and its images are completely distinctive and, although its world is not the most important nor the one that invites to a greater amount of exploration, it's the sport of its type with more lively and enjoyable conflicts, concentrating good portion of your campaign in the activity. TERA is a MMORPG that adapts both to fans of the genre, and to people who flee out of it totally recommendable!


TERA: PS4 EU server offline - no one knows whyThe MMORPG TERA can be officially played on the Xbox One and Maplestory M Mesos  PlayStation 4 consoles since April 3rd. The PS4 EU servers today appear to be offline on April 5th - and no one knows why.The TERA EU servers around the PlayStation 4 seem to be offline right now. Why this is so, the players are currently puzzling.

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