There are no systems that act as a middleman from xingwang's blog

Compare this with FIFA: you press a single button to shoot, at which point the game’s systems kick in to do all the maths so that the ball heads toward the goal - you have limited control over how well that is going to Rocket League Crates go. In Rocket League, however, to pull off the same feat, you have to physically orient your car so that the right part of it hits the right spot on the ball, all while travelling at an adequate enough speed in the correct direction.

This physical interaction means that skill in Rocket League mostly comes from your fingers, rather than your head. There are no systems that act as a middleman between you and the raw mechanics of the game - no power-ups, ultimate abilities, aim-assist, nothing like that. The freedom that this gives you can be daunting as it gives as much room for failure as it does for success, if not more.

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