War Thunder will offer different graphic configurations from xingwang's blog

War Thunder will offer different graphic configurations, where the main value is that the game will run at 4k. However, Gaijin plans to offer two configurations, one that will yield at 60fps, and another with a superior graphic finish, which will run at 30fps. In this area, Yudintsev specifies that a superior finish has been achieved in all the options to the PS4 Pro version. The quality of War Thunder Golden Eagles the shadows, the anti-aliasing or the textures, will be superior in the configuration that improves the graphic finish. This option will run at 4K and 30fps, demonstrating the technical superiority of Microsoft hardware.

But far from delving into these technical aspects, the most relevant aspect of the interview is the confirmation that War Thunder will offer support for the cross-game between the Microsoft platform and PC. Yudintsev confirms that "we are excited to announce that we have reached an agreement with Microsoft", to make the game cross to Xbox One. In fact, the reason why War Thunder has been late to Microsoft consoles, was that No agreement was reached in this area in 2014. It was one of the reasons why the studio refused to adapt War Thunder to Xbox One. The change in Microsoft's mentality opened the doors to the studio to make it reach his game.

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