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Clear threat paths let me move from the way of enemy attacks. That active involvement keeps me engaged too, where I had trouble staying interested in otherMMOgo and the standard battle system. TERA's battle is easily the best aspect of the game, which can be important in a genre like an MMOgo.I didn't need to wait to fight either, making matters even better. I was astonished how quickly that the game delivers me  2K19 MT from guide island to the main game.


Scoring my first mount just after the beginning isle is crucial; letting me get around the huge world was paramount (no pun intended) in keeping my attention. Finding quests to level up me is simple too, making building my character into a powerhouse quick and painless. I kept playing and maintained building, staying hooked the whole time. The game never left me in the dust, and that I loved it.


That's another foible ofMMOgo that TERA does well to avoid: new gamers like me will not feel behind the curve. What is not as enjoyable, however, is the technology surrounding that battle. The art cheap 2K19 MT  style, taking cues from anime and similar cartoon fashions, does appeal to the eye. The sport can't conceal its age however; I instantly see noticeable chips in the armor. Everything appears dated, from the environments to the character's animations.

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