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They are: the "Task Force Revision of Statutes", the "Task Force FIFA Accepting Committee", and the "Task Force Accuracy and Compliance". In addition, an "Independent Babyminding Lath (IGC)", headed by Swiss bookish Mark Piet, is aswell set upMarch 2012: Afterward a advocacy by the IGC, FIFA announces added admiral for the accepting committee.The roles of investigator and adjudicator are to be disconnected amidst altered admiral and the investigator will be accustomed chargeless administering to delving whatever he deems necessary, afterwards accepting to get approval from the secretary general.


German adjudicator Hans-Joachim Eckert is declared as the accepting committee's arch adjudicator and Michael Garcia, a aloft U.S. attorney, as arch investigator.Garcia afterwards launches an analysis into the accommodation to accolade the 2018 Apple Cup to Russia and the 2022 affray to Qatar afterward allegations in the media that bribery played a allotment in the decisions.March 2013:


FIFA announces the conception of Tera Items  an anti-racism assignment force to activity racism and bigotry in the sport. Jeffrey Webb of the Cayman Islands, the admiral of the bounded soccer physique CONCACAF, is appointed as its chairman.May 2013: The FIFA Assembly in Mauritius approves some measures acclimatized by the IGC and assignment forces. Key decisions about age banned and appellation banned for the FIFA admiral and controlling lath associates are deferred for accession year.


The FIFA Assembly in Sao Paulo rejects appellation and age limits, paving the way for Admiral Sepp Blatter to run for a fifth term, which he does one year afterwards at the age of 79.September 2014: Accepting investigator Garcia complains that his abode into the Apple Cup hosting rights for Russia and Qatar will not be arise in full.November 2014: Eckert publishes a arbitrary of Garcia's abode and says there is not abundant affirmation to  Cheap Tera Items authority a re-vote into the 2018 and 2022

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