According to the ESPN report from xingwang's blog

The news about Little Ordell-David Beckham's transfer has been buzzing in the past few days. People can't even wait to guess where Beckham's next family is. According to the ESPN report, the Giants insisted that they did not want to 

NFL Coins publicly sell David Beckham, but if there is a team that is very interested in him, then first sign the two first rounds on the negotiation table and we will proceed with the next negotiation.

There have been two recent reports: one is that NFL's official website has revealed that Beckham will not play before he can get a new contract; the second is the “New York News” report that the Los Angeles Rams are trying to win over David Beckham. This Tuesday, Giants General Manager Dave - Geithman talked about the outside world about Beckham's speculations, he refused to answer whether Beckham has been with the team noisy, want to transfer, just kept saying Beckham " Will not give up his talent."

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