In an interview with the media from xingwang's blog

In response, an insider said, “Sanchez does often eat alone at the Carrington Base, but there is a reason for this. I must explain this. After each team’s training session, when other players At the time of FIFA Coins eating, he always asked for 30 minutes of practice, free kicks and shots. When the training was over, most of his teammates had already eaten and left, so he could only eat alone."

In an interview with the media, Sanchez also stated that he will work hard to integrate into Manchester United. "I have a very high demand for myself. I long to be better and better in the future. After coming to Manchester United, I need to do it in a very short period of time. It is very difficult to make changes.” It is obvious that despite facing doubts from the outside world, Sanchez himself is still very hard, and he is eager to prove that he deserves a weekly salary of 500,000 pounds.

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