Knowing that freedom of Kamas Dofus Retro expression from Rskingdom's blog

Knowing that freedom of Kamas Dofus Retro expression is rare in your cheerless little village, I said to myself that by wearing white beneath your black lady, you could take part in this exhibition with the utmost discretion and, being not able to shout the truth loud and clear in your gloomy environment among your uneducated men and women, you could weep alone in front of your mirror and ask yourself why you did not join the correct side.Sometimes, my heart goes out to you. It has to be depressing to realize that you are too cowardly to alter things and you've been all these years. How pitiful... Most of the timeI prefer to laugh, because after all, there are worse things in life. You might be Brakmarian, short and ugly. Nooooo, I must not tease you! No crime, though I know that in Brakmar, offenses are committed all the time.

With all that, I cannot remember what I wanted to write...Oh yes. I wanted to express my gratitude to you. Composing you does me a world of good. It's as if I had been released from a burden, from of the pressure I am placed on by my senior positions. I let my quill and, like the remedy that is ideal you can dream of to dissipate monotony, I could but smile. It only goes to show that, in spite of yourself, you handle, regardless of your own intentions, to do great around yourself. I also hope that the Brakmarian militia reads these lines and throw you in prison for high treason. Spying, locking someone up, torturing them... It is that sort of place, is it not? Haha, there I move teasing you again, albeit with the best esteem, of course.Wishing you an enjoyable Divine Bonta, I sincerely hope you will like the gift I gave you and, most importantly, it will suit you. I received the tiniest thing they had...

I'm not sure what class has been nerfed this. As a sadida and I didnt see too much harm done to them in this upgrade I perform. You dont like then perhaps that change was for the best, if you want to course change because of a course change. Of course Ankama isn't likely to give free class adjustments, they're a business after all. The fact that they have given any reduction proves that they are listening to cheap Dofus Kamas the people who are not satisfied with the changes. The decision is not a rash one, there is a great deal of thought that goes to it.

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