I noticed that following RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

I noticed that following RS gold the pottery wheel if I click the lender chest it won't bring me to the bank straight away, I just kind of stop and look at it and then I have to click on it a 2nd time in order to bank. Apparently I have to watch for a few of seconds after the crafting advancement port (the one that states 1/14 made, 5/14 created, 14/14 made etc.) to walk towards the chest without suddenly stopping. Is that a bug or just something which occurs when crafting?

Master crafting spots drops at a terrible rate, even if crafting. I did around 4 hours of harps in Prif for harmonic dust and'm just at 2k currency. It is what each 2.5-3 min? Perhaps an avg of 3 hrs every day for the entire 2 week event? You are really desperate to have people to dismiss off bonds and runecoins. The crafting guild graphic update looked a bit rushed too. The roof, outside walls & interior walls seem out of place today.

What's your primary focus should you play Runescape?

I ask this question because I'm under the impression people just play for maximum xp efficiency in skills. If you're not doing this and this and this then you are doing it wrong! All of the minigames are lifeless except for ones that people must perform (like cabbage pinch for seedicide) and D&D's like sinkholes and Cache are active because of the xp they give.

Running through Menaphos and the location seems dead but for the skilling parts, which is a real shame since it appears as if Jagex really spent a lot of time on here. Do people complain about buy 2007 runescape gold the quests secured behind jealousy? If so, why? It is an RPG, this is no, or what you should expect from an RPG? So I was just curious? What should you do on Runescape? What's your main reason for playing? Bossing? Skilling/afk? Questing?

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