what is good for classic wow gold players from Rskingdom's blog

They don't understand what is good for classic wow gold players. The very first Blizzard staff failed; but Activision simply does not.If Activision actually succeeds to readers asking for"quality of lifestyle modifications", the moment they take one shift, they will start to accept others. Believe me, even in the event that you give one inch to them, they will take a mile. And the sport will be completely destroyed right away. By way of example, permitting players to play people from other countries won't Effect game mechanisms. They don't know how to make, as I mentioned above.

I stand. And I feel that there are a few individuals working in Activision who would like to state"We tried to tell you:"You think you do, but you don't."

Although I'm sorry, regional leaders are the BEST OPTION. You definitely do not understand why. Competition is good. There's rivalry in WoW between servers, between the factions. . .and with regional servers, also competition between areas. Remove, and you eliminate 1 part of the contest. Competition is very good, but cooperation can also be good. There will be at greatest, or NONE, minimum.

You want, PERSONALLY, to do with Americans. Just don't ask ME to take a CHANGE which you WANT.I want a FUCKLOADS of changes from WoW Classic, but I won't ever accept ANY. . Servers which are private ARE NOT VANILLA, as far as you need to buy wow gold classic believe that. Go play on servers, if you'd like Russians who do not talk English, Chinese WoW Classic Gold farmers, Europeans which you'll never fulfilled, as different hours. Keep this SHIT on your SERVERS, do not bring it.

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