she figured out how to RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

Seemingly, she figured out how to RS gold use dragon breath ? With a dragonfire shield, that doesn't sound too hard, frankly.

My initial post was missing so here is a more condensed version:About Heroes Quest you want to get an Entranan Firebeard Feather. Without ice gloves a hint is provided saying you want"something cool" to pick up the gloves. Should you request a monk on Entrana concerning the firebeard, they say talk to the head monk.1) The high priest on entrana only welcomes the player to the island and does not speak about the firebeard2) The clocktower, ardougne monastery and edgeville monastery monks do not provide clues eitherI'm wondering how a person is supposed to by the hint"something cool" to"kill the ice queen in the conclusion of a complex cave system beneath white wolf mountain to find ice gloves"I have two thoughts on this particular:1) The sign dialogue was somehow dropped on the 2007scape reboot 2) development oversight, but the execution of the caves and ice queen in the same time as the heroes quest WAS the hint (from game)Google provided no answers, only a reddit from 2014 with the exact same patriotic query whos_the_head_monk_referred_to_in_the_heroes/The OSRS wiki page on the Feb 27 2002 update which implemented the Heroes Quest simply says that the text was pulled from the webpage because of copywright issues with Jagex. Ergo the upgrade text implemented at the time (and whether it contained any hints/references to the ice caves) are missing.

Want a BAG for Hero's pursuit.

There is always a mugger in her Magic Emporium. ALWAYSshe never feels threatened by him, when I encounter he never does anything . What's Betty doing with buy 2007 runescape gold these muggers when we are not looking?and its not only one mugger, if I kill him if he is within her shop. I will later find ANOTHER mugger with her again.anyone got insight on this matter?

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