A nice who has the passing FIFA Coins skills from Rskingdom's blog

A nice who has the passing FIFA Coins skills to execute further Boubacar Kamara, up the pitch is definitely one to watch. 73 for ball control and stats in the mid-seventies for the long and short departure mean he won't worry when in possession, while 76 for aggression, 74 for standing tackles and 72 for sliding ones imply he is not bashful about winning the ball at the first site. Ranked 72 entire already despite being just 18 years old, he has the capability to go on to reach 88, therefore snap him up while Marseille still only need around $6.5m for him.

You don't find playing in one of the top five leagues of Europe centre-back however Nicolas Cozza is currently staking a claim on a spot in the trunk line of Montpellier. While he rated 68 in the present time, a glimpse at his numbers ought to provide you a good idea what kind of player he is. His defensive stats might be breaking to the seventies, but with 79 for speed and 76 for sprint pace he's got the pace. Stamina and strength can perform with work but with the capability to reach 84 along with a cost of just under $2m there is still a lot of time to enhance.

If you prefer your full-backs to put and overlap balls into the box, then the Olivier Boscagli of Nice is worth a look. His crossing is with a work on the practice earth you can turn it into a real strength, ranked at 71 among his best stats. Elsewhere he has seventies for stamina, status tackles, interceptions and brief departure, all characteristics that you want to cheap FIFA Mobile Coins see in a young full-back that is promising. His overall score is currently 71, so adequate enough for cup seems and replicate out of the chair, but in the time he reaches his potential for 81 he'll be a first-team routine -- and all for under $3.5m.

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