Unless you are like 30 years old RS gold from Rskingdom's blog

I've been playing since 09 and have to show for it is 99 magical in my Runescape3 account lmao. Unless you are like 30 years old RS gold right now I am assuming you also started as a kid so you likely spent a lot of time doing things wrong or like me.That is enjoying something. The more painful the road is that the more satisfying it is to arrive at your destination. Hence there's not any other MMO that sense as rewarding as OSRS. Tho the idea its easy, it is on stage! You are the guy, man. I'm getting back to RuneScape out of a decade long break since highschool. The drop got me hooked. You are the only founder I can stand to watch, since it seems nobody but you places a modicum of effort into post-production.

Btw, putting that pro-tip at the beginning concerning the arrow keys for looking for the clip move and tap method. For you introduced a quality of life advancement. Nice, I just came to the protect tree trick, and I disagree. Protect your trees when you have enough moneymaking to negate the cost. A tree that is dead is inefficient farming practice and a wasted trip. Never allow your trees die. It's not about price, it is about an whole cycle of trees providing farming exp. The quicker you buy 99 farming, the quicker you spend time you might've spent making a lot of exp or cash in abilities and can quit doing tree runs.

Ive been playing OSRS for three years today it was really fun, but my entire life fashions entirely altered, and frankly I wish to get back to Runescape3 make it sounds more casual and when I've less time thats exactly what I want, and ive also missed some things for a long time now.Just started a few days ago. I am using my main account from ten decades ago (Quoe). Pretty shocked after I logged in, all of my skills were garbage except for my battle skills and I had a couple of quests done. I would like to create my Runescape3 account as good or better compared to my OSRS account. Your videos have been a fantastic help so far. I am probably going to buy RuneScape gold watch them all. Seeing all the changes and low level content and Beginning over is the updates as well as excellent. Last I was like 2014 and the EoC wasn't even polished but now itperfect and I can not wait to perform PvM.

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