The raiding wasn't all wow classic gold from Limm's blog

I really like that vanilla comes backagain. It was a hard game , gearing up. However, the raiding wasn't all wow classic gold buy that difficult, it was simply more grindy. I can see a shitty community being shaped by"elitists" like you actually preparing for vanilla rather than appreciating the fk from WoW Classic. 

THAT is exactly what made vanilla. Not the actual raiding or"hard" experiences. There were a few fights that are special/hard but that was mostly because everyone was shit, being poor and simply backpedalling.

 Therefore, if you really need the experience that is true vanilla , then log in the day of launch and EXPERIENCE a game. (great methods for post tbc players however ) just to give you some positive comments as well:-RRB-?

I will explain to you how you prepare yourself for light's hope gold buying. Your membership is canceled by you, and stop supporting a business that sold out years back. Stop pretending like they care for youpersonally, and they wo ruin this in their never ending search for gain. Or maintain supporting Blizzard, maintain rewarding them for their behavior that is shitty, and blame everyone but them to get their slow decent into ignominy.

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