This makes Runescape more demanding from Sletrry's blog

For many gamers whose formative years coincided with the advent of this new millenium, RuneScape was the hangout of OSRS buy gold. In 2013, RuneScape attained a 2 million accounts landmark. The game obviously evolved since its first release -- with major upgrades in 2004 and 2013 -- players were still enthralled by retro sensibilities: a survey of 160,000 fans resulted in the recovery of old-school servers, and this also makes Jagex's announcement all the more bittersweet.

The fantastic news -- since there's always a bright side to everything -- is that RuneScape Classic servers are still online at this time, and Gielindor's doors will remain open for the next three months.Runescape founder Jagex raises $300K for mental health charities

The studio has been working together with three organizations on a local, national, and international level to attempt to influence change and support young people struggling with mental health.

"Our enthusiastic and generous RuneScape community also has helped raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for some incredible causes over the last few decades," explained Jagex CEO, Phil Mansell.

"By focusing on encouraging the psychological cheap Runescape goldand wellbeing of young people through cooperating with these three charities, we hope they will once more come together and help people get the backing they have to cope with the turbulence of the planet today."

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