Runescape's greatest running stories from Sletrry's blog

Gold farming, generally , is the custom of grinding into a game specifically for the purpose of generating in-game money or other material to be traded for real-world money. As soon as it's illegal by Runescape's rules, RuneScape gold is also a relatively safe and comfortable job at a location where one's security is by no means ensured.

"I gold farm mainly for the raw advantages of it," a participant who goes by the handle Fhynal explained through DMs. "I do not need to venture out. That may sound strange, but we live with a great deal of crime. If you want to go out, you need to use a bus, [which raises your] propensity to be robbed."

This adds up to"double, sometimes triple" the average monthly salary in Venezuela, he said, even factoring in the intermittent week he takes to maintain a"low profile" and avoid getting trapped.For Fhynal, it is only enough to make ends meet for himself and his mom, so long as inflation doesn't hurl food costs into the stratosphere.

"The truth is, there are those who, if they did not play, they weren't able to eat and would die of hunger," a former Runescape farmer who wanted to stay anonymous told me on Facebook. "I have friends who perform daily and if they do not play, they do not eat that day."

More and more Venezuelans are growing wise to the advantages of gold farming. Earlier this year, a local paper published an article on the process.

This has caused growing anxieties, with buy OSRS gold players doing everything from frequently demanding that programmer Jagex ban all gold farmers into publishing a guide which assists other players effectively hunt, kill, and insult farmers. "I have friends who play with daily, and if they do not play, they do not eat that day."

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