Where's The Elder Scrolls Blades? from Rskingdom's blog

When did gaming not turn into about ESO Blades Gold - however about? I can't stand what this company has become. I'm thankful for their work and I will remember A Link To The Past, Dragon Warrior Morrowind fondly for the rest of my life along other greats such as FFVII - along with other RPG games which pushed the bounds. But they are a shell of the former self at this point.

They are going to ruin The Elder Scrolls Blades with lootbox type of ingame items and pay to triumph. I'm a massive fan of The Elder Scrolls Blades games, The Elder Scrolls Blades may be good though, but using microtransactions of the type I am not going to touch it sorry bethesda. A match is never touched by me where I do not understand at forehand how much I am going to pay total for it to conquer it or in case of games until I have enough of it. See you don't know if your total spent The Elder Scrolls Blades EVER will be 50 bucks? Possibly 250 in total (over a period of decades )? Or just 10 $/Euro? This is deceiving at this stage for me.I dont see the point of using a game with a system if the only way to advance is to buy your progress. As a gamer who defeats the purpose of levelling progression. Where's The Elder Scrolls Blades?

The fact is there isn't any game . Through playing an illusion of a match to allow you to spend money to progress, instead of progress. This sort of stuff is gaming cancer.This is honestly simply disappointing. Bethesda released their 25th Anniversary video emphasizing how far they care about their fans, and they value their feedback and opinions. But, I see about how frustrated players are using buy The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold on media. It troubles me that there is not a better way for the players to reach out and voice our concerns for The Elder Scrolls Blades.

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