RuneScape is fans opportunity from Sletrry's blog

The good news -- because there is always a bright side to everything -- is that RuneScape gold Classic servers continue to be online at this time, and Gielindor's doors will remain open for another three months.

Runescape founder Jagex has increased £225,000 ($305,000) within the last year to help support mental health charities CPSL Mind, The Prince's Trust, and YMCA Right Here.

The studio has been working with all 3 organizations on a local, national, and international level to attempt to influence change and support young people struggling with mental health.

"Our passionate and ample RuneScape community also has helped raise thousands of pounds for several extraordinary causes over the past couple of decades," explained Jagex CEO, Phil Mansell.

"By focusing on supporting the psychological health and wellbeing of young people by partnering with those buy RS gold three charities, we expect they will once more come together and help people receive the backing they have to cope with the turbulence of the world these days."

You can learn more about the job being done by CPSL Mind, The Prince's Trust, and YMCA Right Here over on the Charitable Giving web site.The Runescape Players Who Farm Gold So They Don't Starve To Death.

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