Plan for the DC Universe from Sletrry's blog

How do you tell us about the Atlantis upgrade? It is coming out in November... obviously because there's a specific movie coming out soon. We're just as excited about the Aquaman film as everybody else is, including DC and all the lovers. It is our 33rd episode. We have had several over the years and they just keep getting bigger and better. One of the interesting things we have begun doing about a year ago is, instead of designing it to the highest-level MMO gamers, it is actually open to buy DC Universe Online Cash level 10 and up.

Back in 2011, getting to level 10 is maybe a couple of minutes of play, perhaps a day if you're really new. So today after a few moments you can jump into the latest content that, in my opinion, is the best stuff we have made. We have got all the usual things that we've put into episodes. There is an open world, there's raids, there is smaller material, stuff like that. If you prefer anything in DCUO this will please you very much.

What can you tell me about Atlantis? What can players expect to find when they visit the city? This is the first time we have gone to Atlantis. We've built the whole city. It is an enormous open-world, among the biggest ones we've done since the game launched. It's big enough where I hope we can swim back down there another time. We get to go into a good deal of areas in town and stuff like that also.

Geek: how can math work Since Atlantis is submerged? Are they the same as the game? Is there a learning curve of any kind? I can't say yet, but because it is an action battle game, it's virtually identical. We do not necessarily want to change how the game plays with a combat game like that or much because most of the time that it's kind in an MMO. If you induce gamers to relearn how to perform, you are not testing their skills. We did not wish to alter things but there's some differences, I'll say that.

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