Free-to-Play MMO TERA's Summer Event from Sletrry's blog

 The combat is excellent along with the quests are fun, however, the technology surrounding the action definitely looks as though it came from the past. Tera gold on the internet is a good MMO experience that unwittingly serves as a MMO time machine, for better and worse.

Being an MMO on a games console, accessing all of a character's skills seems like a tremendous challenge. Without a suitable keyboard and mouse, only clicking on an ability to activate it isn't an option. The controller scheme Bluehole crafted for TERA on consoles corrects this perfectly: designating L1 as a switch between 2 rows of perks.

That battle system, in fact, is the best part of all TERA Online. Typical MMOs make me mindlessly click on attacks and force me to watch the action unfold. Not so here, as I'm actively participating in every skirmish I encounter. Clear danger paths let me move out of the means of enemy attacks.

The button design is easy to learn, providing an easy point of entry to new MMO players. That active involvement keeps me engaged too, where I had trouble staying interested in different MMOs and the conventional combat system. TERA's battle is easily the best portion of the game, which is important in a genre such as an MMO.

I didn't need to wait long to fight , which makes things much better. I was amazed how fast the game delivers me from tutorial island to the main match. Scoring my first mount only after the starting isle is critical; letting me quickly get around the huge world was paramount (no pun intended) in keeping my attention.

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