The Texans were facing 0-4 and a nine game losing streak. from laiyongcai92's blog

 Then the heavens parted and the omnipresent football man in the sky shined light down on Houston’s football game. He put the thought in Frank Reich’s mind to go for it at their own 43 yard line with less than a minute to go in overtime. The ball skipped over to Chester Rogers with Johnathan Joseph in coverage. Houston ball. DeAndre Hopkins turned a simple slant into 24 yards Authentic Whitney Mercilus Jersey , which set up a 37 yard Ka’imi Fairbairn attempt. A Smirnoff in the bean pot. A kick attempt that didn’t exist. A made second attempt. The Texans win. They are now 1-3, tied with the Colts for last place in the division. Despite Bill O’Brien reverting back to his old offensive play calling and going conservative with a lead, bungling the clock at the end of the fourth quarter, and calling another useless screen pass in an integral situation Johnathan Joseph Jersey , the Texans finally won a one-possession game this year. Fortune is a funny thing. Next week the Texans play the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football in an attempt to start a winning streak.The floor is yours.Hair of the Dog - Texans v. Traitors (Or: The One Where UT Is Too Exhausted To Think Of A Clever Subtitle) Good morning.By the time I finish writing this post, I will have been awake for about 48 hours straight due to a really, really stupidly early flight home from Athens and having never bothered to go to sleep the night before so as to pack up.Because of this, and the fact that I am currently hallucinating a couple of hedgehogs taking tea at a little hedgehog-sized table Youth J.J. Watt Jersey , this will likely not be my finest performance in chronicling the ramblings and insights of the BRB braintrust.Hell, I even just dozed off in the middle of writing the previous sentence.I also had no idea what was happening during the game until about midway through the third quarter and was not able to watch at all, so there will be a lamentable lack of context for some of these comments.So with expectations, I hope Authentic Zach Cunningham Jersey , sufficiently lowered, here is this week’s “Hair of the Dog.”As always, in finest Hair of the Dog tradition, all swear words have been replaced with the word “kitten.”If they aren’t Deshaun Watson Jersey , well, I blame the hedgehogs.BFD(Ed. Note:Always an encouraging start to an email chain.)BFD (again)Capt RonCapt Ron (again)Titan MattCapt RonBFDCapt RonVega (in a cameo appearance)Capt RonLukeBFDVegaUTVegaBFDUTCapt RonVegaBFDMDC (in an even rarer cameo appearance)BFDCapt RonBFDMDCCapt RonTitan MattLukeI’d ordinarily give out game balls here but again, I didn’t get to see the game at all so it would be all conjecture anyway.Award the game balls in your mind.What do you think, BRB faithful?Think we’re totally off base on something?Of course you do.Good thing you have a comments section to let your voice be heard.No hedgehogs allowed , please.

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