MapleStory 2: How to Use Mounts from Sletrry's blog

In Maplestory 2 Mesos you are able to customize your character. You can get clothing items from the money shop in addition to chat bubble personalization items and badges which alter your title label background. It is possible to take those merits and customize your own outfit through their Maple Workshop.

If purchasing an outfit does not fit your mood. It is, of course, urge you've got some knowledge of working with a program to customize the templates. Not only can you customize your clothes it is possible to personalize mounts. There are a range of mounts you customize and can purchase templates for.

To increase the customization you can also customize your home. There are quite a few blocks and most are free. If none mounts, like with clothes and of these are to a fancy, you can pay for Maplestory 2 Mesos with gift  block templates and customize these.

MapleStory 2 provides many different approaches to make yourself as unique as you can. If you would like to make some merits back, it is possible to take your cool layouts and put them up for purchase on the Design Shop in-game. It requires the item to sell to be posted by merits and there is but it's worth a shot.

I've already spoken about the leveling experience and you're able to level to 50 in about fourteen weeks. Now with the cap it takes a bit longer than two days to get to the cap. After you reach level 50 the leveling slows a great deal.

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