That the entire event is Fortnite items from Limm's blog

Then there are wilder theories. An individual on Reddit (via PCGamer) indicates that the entire event is Fortnite items tied to the Winter Solstice from the southern hemisphere and Inca traditions.

It would not be the first time Epic pulled a curveball, provided the neighborhood appeared sure the meteor would strike Tilted Towers. Epic acknowledged the twist and had some fun with the neighborhood over it. Whatever ends up happening this time, we'll understand exactly what this countdown clock suggests soon, since the timer is slowly running out.

Fortnite has lately turned into a field of fortnite weapons struggle in the console war, given that the game's launch on Change. Sony was hesitant to guarantee a change in its policy, and a former Sony studio head lately came forward to say that based on his time in the company, the decision was all about money.

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Battle Royale' Leak Tell Us What's Happening With the Missile?

There was a lot of speculation regarding where the comet would hit during Season 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale.

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