My advice is to adhere to Path of exile currency from Limm's blog

Also, the time-limited nature of leagues (which we will describe below) as well as the PoE currency likelihood that you may unwittingly create a flawed character build the very first time you play all imply you will probably be creating new personalities before too long anyhow.

Adhere to a character build, but do not sweat it if you're creating your own way

Many players prefer to create their very own unique character construct the very first time they play, experimentation with different passive skills. But if you do so, bear in mind that full-character respecs aren't a choice in Path of Exile. You will earn a limited variety of respec points through natural progression and grinding, but not too many that quickly transforming one build to the next is a viable option.

Thus, my advice is to adhere to Path of exile currency a well-regarded build made by experienced players. This may focus your personality growth and make certain you experience an endgame viable character when the time comes. Here are a few fast beginner-friendly construct recommendations (current as of launching).

Guides To Get MMOGO POE Currency and Advantages

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