Maplestory 2 Is Simpler from Sletrry's blog

Do not worry, this won't be a long text like this one (which I closed for this reason).But, I have left a few points about this particular issue in that thread. You can use some of these as reference, but don't comment them. Just leave your ideas.

Just to summarize. Just to think, yes Nexon might have done Maplestory 2 Items wrong when they raised cap harm and at same time, buffing bosses HP, there was likewise no way to get totally free cubes when they raised cap. However, the solo aspect take too much place in some players mentality especially when they see those OP players performing cap and solo many end-game bosses (except tough lotus of course).

Why enjoying a MMORPG if you want play solo? You may want get 2-2M range clear to solo chaos vellum as example, but in the event that it's possible to attract 5 other people and you guys all have 500-600k strike range with adequate percent boss and 90%ignore monster def, this isn't pay2win but play2win or particularly party to win.

No need to solo everything to win the match, that is my view about pay2win aspect, we can also party2win.Plus that there are a lot of ways to gain free harm, certain different ways should be far more accessible, other than putting cubes in FM shop.

The dearth of free stuffs additionally creates prohibited trade in pay2win facet, but we will not discuss that further, unless you guys want and say it is related with my main topic, that's the consequence of pay2win facet. Pay2win facet being a mixture of Nexon and players mentality faults.

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