Discover how to Play Fortnite from Sletrry's blog

Fortnite has one of the most competitive upgrade programs in the business, and it is clear that upgrading a game so often can cause all sorts of unexpected problems to develop.

Last extended downtime has been the result of errors that caused a disproportionate quantity of database questions, fortnite materials and Epic went into a fairly extreme detail describing exactly what was happening. The company has a habit of a certain degree of transparency, so expect lots of updates if this goes on much longer.

A bit of good news for Fortnite gamers on Nintendo Switch: Epic has added gyro controls to the match, so if you prefer aiming with a bit of assistance in the movement controllers rather than rely entirely on the thumbsticks, you are in luck.

I'm still a bit conflicted over motion controls myself, but I don't think it hurts to get the option. I will take the Change version for a spin and see how gyro controls assist or hinder the encounter.

Note: An earlier version of the post stated that you could utilize the exact same Epic account on both Nintendo Switch and PS4 following the v5.0 upgrade. This was an error. I was basing my information from an article at gambling site IGN. That article has since been updated with this note from the editor.

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