Monero’s Hashrate Drops Over 80% After ASIC-Resisting Hard Fork | 討論區

Guangyaw May 10 '18

Monero’s Hashrate Drops Over 80% After ASIC-Resisting Hard Fork

Cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) recently saw its hashrate drop over 80 percent, after it upgraded its proof-of-work algorithm to resist specialized Cryptonight ASIC miners. According to available data, Monero’s hashrate dropped from little over 1 GH/s to about 270 MH/s at press time. At its lowest point, the network’s hashrate was at to roughly 157 MH/s, an over 80 percent decline. A statement on Monero Classics' website reads:

"Around 80% of the current Monero hash rate agrees with our stance and refuses to follow the POW change. That is why we declare in advance that we will maintain the original software which follows the original rules. We reject centralised developer Control and we believe that’s voluntary participation for both users and miners Will uphold the principles of decentralisation."

Read more here

抵制asic 硬分叉之後, 

門羅幣(XMR) 總算力馬上從 1G多下降到270M H/s,

目前已經回升到465 MH/s
